Our Current Logo
Talks and ideas of combining Desna Company and School began in 2018, with Desna’s 45th anniversary (2019) marking a significant point of collaboration between both groups.
The Executive and Board of Directors (2019-2020) - with support from parents and other members of Desna unified Desna Company and School during the Covid-19 pandemic so Desna could emerge as a single, stronger organisation for the future.
With this unification, the Executive and Board of Directors felt in necessary to have a logo and identitiy that encompassed this change.
Primary & Secondary Logos
Designed by Maksym Rewko, Desna’s logo is a simple and elegant mix of old and new.
It speaks to the groups name, origin and location whilst accomodating both the school and company as individual groups where necessary.
The primary logo encompasses both the school and company and is not used to represent either one as a single entity.
The subtle wording changes that provide the individual identities (Secondary Logo’s) of the the Company and School were required for scenarios such as social media accounts, attire and specific performances if only 1 group was present